by Jesús Zabala - 4 min read
Best Way to Store Sterling Silver Jewelry
Jewelry is often considered a prized possession that requires proper care and storage. Even though it may vary in price, many jewelry owners are looking for ways to maintain the primary shine and look of their unique pieces. However, we’ve seen that most of them overlook one important factor that directly affects the jewelry’s longevity, which is proper storage. That’s why, in this article, we’ll elaborate on the best way to store sterling silver jewelry to maintain its shine and durability.
Continue reading to discover how to store sterling silver jewelry and the best practices!

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Best Way to Store Sterling Silver Jewelry
Sterling silver jewelry is a common accessory made of 92.5% pure silver combined with other metals like copper to enhance its durability. It’s a popular option for many jewelry enthusiasts due to its lustrous shine, range of designs, and affordability. However, since copper is reactive to sulfur and moisture, it’s known to tarnish over time.
This can lead to the jewelry losing its primary shine and its surface turning dark. To prevent this dreaded effect, we always recommend properly storing your sterling silver accessories to protect them from moisture and damage. With the experience we’ve gathered throughout the years, we’ve come up with the best way to prevent tarnish and ensure proper sterling silver care.
That being said, here is the best way to store sterling silver jewelry and its main elements:
- Cleaning before storage
- Separate storage
- Storage temperature
- Professional help
Cleaning before storage
The first important factor when storing sterling silver jewelry you should be mindful of is cleaning the jewelry before storage. Exposure to dirt, oils from your skin, and other contaminants can speed up the tarnishing process. If you don’t want these contaminants to eat away your jewelry’s shine while they’re stored, there are numerous ways to clean them before storage.
For proper cleaning mix a few drops of dish soap in warm water and soak the jewelry piece for approximately 10 minutes. Once you take out the jewelry scrub it with a non-abrasive sponge to remove any leftover dirt. When satisfied with the results, rinse it once more under warm water.
Before storing the jewelry, it’s important to ensure that it's completely dry to prevent moisture buildup. To accelerate the drying process, you can use a microfiber cloth to thoroughly dry and polish silver jewelry.
Separate storage
After you’ve cleaned your sterling silver jewelry, we recommend placing it in separate storage. Mixing it with other accessories that contain metal can lead to the jewelry getting scratched and damaged.
Since sterling silver is reactive with other metals, such as copper, it can accelerate the tarnishing process, which can lead to discoloration. Another reason why you should store such jewelry separately is to prevent it from tangling with other accessories and avoid damage when trying to separate them.
Some of the best storage options you can try are zip-lock and anti-tarnish bags, as well as pouches and cloths. Even though the container should be airtight to prevent moisture and air exposure, we recommend avoiding containers with adhesives to avoid tarnish caused by the jewelry reacting with other chemicals found in the container.

Source: / Photo Contributor: Yoyochow23
Storage temperature
Even though temperatures may vary depending on the area where you live, the best place to store your jewelry is in a dry, cool place. That’s why we don’t recommend storing your sterling silver accessories in bathrooms. The humidity from the bathroom can accelerate the tarnishing process.
Since it’s ideal to store sterling silver in a place with a cool and consistent temperature, avoid placing it to direct sunlight. The sun’s powerful UV rays can damage your accessories and reduce their longevity.
Professional help
Lastly, we want to highlight the importance of seeking professional help if you ever run into a more complex issue. Remember that owning high-value sterling silver jewelry requires adequate 925 silver care to not lose its value and shorten its longevity. Since it's natural for such accessories to deteriorate over time, professional jewelry cleaning services can prevent potential damage and prolong their lifespan.
By adopting a regular cleaning cycle, you can make use of the jeweler's specialized tools and solutions to remove deep tarnishes without damaging the piece. Even though the frequency of such maintenance may vary depending on how often you wear your jewelry, we recommend visiting a professional jeweler every six to twelve months.
Taking your prized jewelry to a professional jewelry store allows you to protect your accessories from potential damage by inspecting and repairing any issues before they become too obvious. This is especially important for sterling silver pieces that have gemstones or delicate designs.
Now that we’ve explained the best way to store sterling silver jewelry, we recommend following these instructions to ensure the longevity and durability of your prized possessions. By cleaning the accessories before storage, ensuring proper storage temperature, and seeking professional help when needed, your jewelry won’t only last longer, but it’ll also maintain its shine.
Choosing the proper storage will reduce the risk of tarnish and scratches that can ruin the design of the jewelry.
Lastly, if you're ever looking for authentic and unique sterling silver jewelry, check out what we offer at JewelryLab. With experience dating back to 2013, our team of skilled artisans captures the spirit of Bali within every piece, embodying its charm and mystery. So contact us today and discover how our unique jewelry pieces can help you embark on your journey of freedom, adventure, and magic!