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by Jesús Zabala - 6 min read

Are There Any Gender-Specific Pinky Ring Styles?

Jewelry enthusiasts don’t feel as if they’re wearing a complete outfit when they don’t have a ring that goes along with it. Since men and women have different styling options, different rings go with different styles. So are there any gender-specific pinky ring styles? This article will focus on gender-specific styles and how to include them in your everyday outfit.

We’ll review all the essentials for these types of rings, including how to choose and combine them. This way, your outfit will surely be spot-on regardless of your gender. Continue reading to discover the trending gender-specific pinky ring styles and their uses.

Are There Any Gender-Specific Pinky Ring Styles

Are There Any Gender-Specific Pinky Ring Styles?

While rings were viewed as a typical feminine accessory, the pinky ring has always been popular among genders. Recently, we've noticed a modern rise in the popularity of both gender-specific and gender-neutral jewelry.

Most modern pinky rings are gender-neutral and worn by both men and women. Yet there are still many style guides for specific genders. We’ll look into both men's and women's styling options to better understand them. 

Pinky ring styles for men

If you’re looking into ideas for men's expensive rings, you should check out our pinky ring collection. You’ll find both affordable prices and unique designs. Plus, our stylish options will surely make you stand out. You can combine them with almost all of your outfits and wear them on any occasion.

Many popular men throughout history wore a signature pinky ring. Popularized by renowned shows and movies like “The Godfather” and “Sopranos”, these accessories have engraved an even deeper meaning.

Seen as a sign of loyalty and devotion, many men turn to these rings as a personal statement. Even real-life figures like Prince Charles are rarely seen without their signature pinky ring. 

Why do men wear pinky rings

So when it comes to men’s ring styles, wearing one on a pinky finger makes a statement. They don’t have any religious background besides their use as a sign of affiliation to a certain group. 

As for fashion purposes, this accessory really stands out. Since it’s worn on an isolated part of the body, it’s easily noticeable. Choosing the right pinky ring will make you stand out from the crowd and convey a confident message

Men’s pinky ring style ideas

When choosing the right pinky ring for you, there are several styles men usually go to. Some of them are:

  • Signet rings with engravings
  • Rings with gemstones
  • Pinky rings with unique bands
  • Pinky rings from mixed materials

One of the most common pinky ring types men go for is signet ones. They can include a unique design that showcases your personality. If you’re going for a classic look, check out ones from solid metal. Most of them include an insignia, so you can choose the letter or initials you want to be engraved.

Another common option is using mixed metals to create a unique ring band. The most affordable ones are a combination of silver and brass that intervene in an aesthetically pleasing way. If you plan on wearing multiple rings on your hand, go for thinner bands with a simplistic look.

Lastly, gemstones don’t only suit the feminine hands. Many precious stones are suitable for men and masculine styling. Some great examples are the black onyx, tiger’s eye, and green agate. Their colors blend in nicely with almost any outfit and radiate confidence.

Pinky ring styles for men

Pinky ring styles for women

Now that we’ve reviewed the pinky ring styles for men, it’s time to focus on the ones for women. There are some brilliant and affordable designs on the market that would make any woman shine regardless of her style. While popular culture pushes this accessory for men to show their pride and power, women can also rock this style.

Many popular female celebrities have been seen wearing luxurious pinky fingers. Some of them are Rihanna, Kim Kardashian, Taylor Swift, and Jennifer Lopez. If you’re a fashion enthusiast, you may have noticed that they all wear unique designs that fit their personalities and outfits.

Why do women wear pinky rings

Just like with men, there is a deeper meaning to wearing pinky rings for women as well. As mentioned, in Victorian times, these accessories were worn to indirectly signal the uninterest in marriage. Thus, these rings can be seen as a sign of power and self-love.

They glorify the woman’s independence. This gives an additional feeling of strength and freedom. So if you’re trying to come off as a strong and independent woman, you won’t miss by choosing this piece of jewelry.

Women’s pinky ring style ideas

If you’re looking for trending and fashionable ideas about pinky rings for women, there are several styles you can try out. The most common ones are:

  • Simple but sparkling designs
  • Pinky fingers with gemstones
  • Monochrome colors

Since women usually have gentler hands than men, the pinky rings should be chosen appropriately. One of the most popular styles includes thin bands with soft curves.

These types of styles provide a finger-lengthening effect to further enhance feminine beauty. Plus, they add a little sparkle to an already exquisite outfit.

When it comes to gemstones, the most popular one has to be the diamond. Not only do they radiate confidence, but they are also quite valuable. So try wearing them on special occasions to stand out and appear prosperous. You can experiment with gemstones, garnets, peridots, and rose quartz.

For those more into a minimalistic design, choose the monochrome pinky rings. While gold is dominant, you can also go for silver to suit your outfit better. Plus, you can never miss a fashionable queue with them.

Pinky ring styles for women

The Meaning Of Wearing A Pinky Ring

Many people view rings as a fashion statement. However, there used to be a big significance behind pinky rings in the past. Since the name is self-explanatory, people wear this jewelry piece on their pinky fingers. While times change, there are still a few meanings of this ring that stand out.

Sign of scholarly success

Many students in North America are awarded pinky rings for successful competition in their academic studies. They’re most common in the geology, engineering, and economics professions. 

Romantic status

In the Victorian era, men and women wore pinky rings to sign that they didn’t seek marriage. Single youths would place this jewelry on their left hand to indirectly convey the message.


Another common use of pinky rings is to indicate affiliation. This can either be for a specific group or an organization. In the US, it was viewed as a sign of criminal activity. In the past, pinky rings were worn by fully initiated members of the American Mafia.


The history of signet rings traces back to ancient Babylonian and Egyptian cultures. These rings were used to sign documents with a seal by merchants and identify the person’s social rank. These rings were made from different metal types, all depending on the person’s social status. As times changed, they became family heirlooms.


So, are there any gender-specific pinky ring styles? After reviewing the specific styling options for both men and women, we can firmly confirm that there are unique designs specific to each gender. In today’s age, there are many gender-neutral pinky rings to choose from. However, the ones designed specifically for men or women have several different characteristics.

Lastly, no matter your preference, choose the rings you like best. Regardless of your style or gender, these accessories should showcase your unique personality. So don’t mind what other people define as feminine or masculine, and enjoy wearing the unique jewelry you want.

Jesús  is the founder and designer of JewelryLab. He is the Head of Design and also oversees production, quality control, and precious metal sourcing.