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by Jesús Zabala - 7 min read

Handmade Rings for Men

A ring on a man's finger undoubtedly looks attractive when worn with confidence and style. Rings draw attention and are a fashion statement that matches the person’s manner and nature. You can make the best choice with handmade rings for men. They are unique, can tell a story, and ultimately make a top accessory that mirrors the person’s attitude and character. 

If you are a man who's into rings, it's time to discover why handmade rings are the ultimate jewelry preference. Also, you should know the most popular and finest types of handmade rings.

So, this article will help you determine what type of handmade ring suits you best and which one from our collection may complement your style. 

Handmade Rings for Men

Why Are Handmade Rings Better Than Machine-Made Ones?

Since the dawn of time, humans have crafted jewelry manually, putting a lot of work, patience, detail, and meaning into this art form. It wasn't so long ago when machines took over human hands’ function. As a result, many handmade things, including jewelry, started being made in industrial mass production.

Machine-made jewelry has stripped jewelry of its uniqueness, purpose, and artistry. It focuses on repeated production without attention to detail, symbolism, or creativity.

Luckily, countless artisans have kept the fire of making unique pieces of wearable art and still pay enormous attention to details, meaning, and originality. Most importantly, they emphasize the quality and value of jewelry. 

Thus, a machine-made ring can never be compared to a handmade ring. In contrast to machine-made rings, handmade rings are superior in quality, durability, creativity, mastery, and sustainability. 

Top Picks: List of Best Handmade Rings for Men

As jewelry enthusiasts, we firmly believe we are in step with fashion trends and different styles. That’s why we tried to pick the three most prominent types of rugged mens rings so that everyone can find a piece of jewelry they can wear proudly.

Chunky rings

Design and craftsmanship

Nowadays, the most favored type of handmade rings for men are chunky rings. They are rugged and bold, aiming to make a daring statement. Plus, they can alter any outfit's style and fit different occasions. 

Chunky rings are oversized and come in diverse geometric shapes. They can have sharp edges and a bohemian vibe, be decorated with precious gemstones, and have an eye-catching signet or message engraved. 

All in all, chunky rings radiate confidence and are an excellent selection for expressing yourself through jewelry.

Chunky rings


The most common metals used in the crafting of handmade rugged men's rings are: 

  • Sterling silver
  • Brass
  • Sterling steel
  • Gold 

Chunky rings are most frequently made from sterling silver. Sterling silver allows the ring to be modified in different patterns and shapes, adding details and ornaments quickly. Plus, sterling silver chunky rings are affordable, and their appearance is appealing because of their white and gray tones. 

Another prominent material in making chunky rings is brass. The yellowish color of brass can give off a vintage vibe. Likewise, brass is flexible, so chunky brass rings come in distinct designs and shapes. 


  • Stylish and bold
  • A statement ring
  • Self-expressive
  • Practical and versatile
  • Durable 
  • Available in various materials
  • Affordable


  • Silver chunky rings can be prone to scratching, staining, and bending 
  • Gold chunky rings can be too expensive

Skull rings

Design and craftsmanship

Another leading choice when it comes to handmade rings for men is skull rings. Skull rings date back to the Middle Ages, and their popularity increased during the Elizabethan and Victorian Eras.

In recent times, skull rings became very prominent during the ’60s, a ring type every rockstar owned. The symbolism of the skull ring can be rebellion, death, immortality, transformation, mourning, or even celebration of life. 

Moreover, a skull ring has always been a must-have accessory in many subcultures. Musicians, artists, bikers, mystics, goths, and metalheads are just some moieties that proudly wear the skull ring.

The design of the skull ring may include details such as wings, bones, butterflies, snakes, crosses, or simply multiple skulls. They can also be influential and rugged, or they can be subtle and minimal

Skull rings


Skull rings are often made from:

  • Sterling silver
  • Gold
  • Brass
  • Sterling steel
  • Bronze
  • Tungsten
  • Titanium

However, when it comes to different figures and sizes, the best skull rings are made from sterling silver, brass, and steel when it comes to different figures and sizes. These materials allow the artisans to experiment with the ring’s constitution and structure. 


  • Symbolic and meaningful handmade rings
  • Available in different shapes
  • Chunky or minimal
  • Timeless designs
  • Detailed and stand-out
  • Available in different metals
  • Durable and solid
  • Affordable


  • Need frequent polishing 
  • Silver skull rings are prone to tarnishing

Pinky rings

Design and Craftsmanship

Pinky rings never come out of style. Kings and mafiosos have worn them and have always represented strength, courage, and abundance. 

The most widespread type of pinky rings are signet rings. However, pinky rings can be minimal, elegant, or with vintage details. The choice of handmade pinky rings for men is abundant. Their design may have to do with sexuality, wealth, or power. However, that's not always the case.

Today, a pinky ring can mean anything to both the wearer and the perceiver, and that's why it has become an inevitable piece of jewelry. A pinky finger is often considered a must-have item in every jewelry collection, and its timeless design can accent any outfit in seconds.

Pinky rings


Just as with the other two types of handmade rings for men mentioned above, pinky rings can come in various materials. The most prominent are:

  • Gold
  • Platinum
  • Sterling silver
  • Brass

In contrast to chunky and skull rings, pinky rings more often come in gold because of their association with wealth and power. 


  • Statement rings 
  • Fashionable and abiding
  • Chunky or minimalist
  • Come in various metals
  • Durable and elegant
  • Complementary and versatile
  • Affordable
  • Can bear special meaning 


  • May be fake & inauthentic 
  • Golden and platinum pinky rings can be pricey 

Factors to Consider When Choosing the Best Handmade Rings for Men

As jewelry professionals, we feel the obligation to tell you what to pay attention to when choosing handmade rings for men. That’s why we have provided a short buying guide on the most critical factors to consider when scouting for the best handmade ring for you. 

Material and quality

The metal from which the ring is made plays a significant role in the ring's aesthetics, appearance, durability, and price. Regarding the best handmade rings for men, you can choose from metals such as:

  • Platinum
  • Gold 
  • Sterling silver
  • Oxidized silver
  • Brass
  • Copper
  • Stainless steel
  • Tungsten 
  • Titanium

Platinum and gold are long-lasting, solid, flexible, and corrosion-resistant. Briefly, rings made from these materials are often priced the highest and can last a lifetime

On the other hand, silver is the most common metal used to create handmade rings for men. Silver is robust, affordable, and durable. However, silver is more prone to staining, scratching, and bending in contrast to gold and platinum. 

Brass, stainless steel, tungsten, and titanium can construct an excellent ring, too. Even though considered non-precious, these metals are still stable and enduring. Unlike precious metals, they are regarded as very budget-friendly and can maintain their initial look for extended periods. 

Another vital tip when choosing the ring's material is your skin tone. Silver, steel, and platinum match with cool skin tones, while gold and brass rings look better on warm skin tones.

Pinky rings


When looking at handmade rings for men, don't forget to check which sizes they come in. The ring must fit appropriately on your finger, and you must be comfortable wearing it. If you don't know your size, you can always use a ring sizing chart for the correct ring measurement. 

When you still aren't sure and don't want the ring to be too small or too large on your finger, you can always have your size measured at a jeweler's store. Jewelers can measure ring size professionally, so when you buy a handmade ring, you will be sure it fits perfectly. 


As you may have learned from this article, the price of a handmade ring mostly depends on the metal the ring is made of. Likewise, the ring's design, size, and shape may influence the price. 

The most affordable handmade rings for men are those made from sterling silver, brass, sterling steel, and tungsten. These rings are often of high quality, and if properly maintained, they can be worn long after purchase. 

Gold and platinum handmade rings for men are a superior choice, and not everyone can afford them. They are the highest-priced handmade rings for men.

Seller’s reputation

Handmade rings for men can be fake and inauthentic. That's why when buying handmade rings, it's best to check the seller's reputation and ensure they offer genuine ones. We at Jewelry Lab guarantee our rings' authenticity, 100% handmade in Bali, from sterling silver, brass, and mixed metals.

Moreover, always inspect the products' reviews and ensure that other buyers are satisfied with the products they order. This can indicate whether their handmade rings are uniquely designed and made from appropriate metals. 

Seller’s reputation


After going into detail on handmade rings for men, we believe you now understand what makes handmade rings superior in the jewelry market. 

Handmade rings are a great way to assert and express an artistic approach in everyday life. They continue to be a creative practice to show off your essence and originality. 

Whether you choose one type of ring or mix and match different handmade rings, don't forget that you picked a handmade ring to express who you are. Your decision should reflect your style and way of life.

Hence, just go with the flow and allow your handmade ring to radiate self-confidence, style, and even a special meaning.

Jesús  is the founder and designer of JewelryLab. He is the Head of Design and also oversees production, quality control, and precious metal sourcing.