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by Jesús Zabala - 5 min read

Cleaning Tips for Men’s Silver Chains

Men’s silver chains are popular fashion accessories that can elevate outfits and add a touch of elegance. Yet, such jewelry pieces can tarnish and lose their luster over time. Hence, you’ll be provided with cleaning tips for men’s silver chains in this post.

Proper cleaning and maintenance are necessary to ensure your chain is sparkling as you wear it. A well-cleaned chain enhances your style and makes you look refined. To learn tips on cleaning a silver necklace chain, continue reading.

Men’s Silver Chains Cleaning

Source: jewelrylab.co

Cleaning Tips for Men’s Silver Chains

Men’s silver chains are versatile jewelry pieces available in many designs. They are durable and easy to style, making them popular fashion pieces. There are various ways to incorporate silver chains into your outfit. 

You can choose a sterling silver men's chain with pendant, or opt for thick and eye-catching chains to showcase your personal style. The silver chains are classic and timeless. They are shiny and sleek and can enhance your overall look. 

However, silver jewelry can darken over time as a result of various environmental influences. Hence, it is necessary to develop a regular cleaning routine to prevent tarnish buildup

Silver chains are known for their long-lasting qualities. However, cleaning your chain every few weeks is recommended to preserve its shiny appearance. 

Tips for Cleaning and Polishing Men’s Silver Chains

Cleaning your silver chain by hand

To clean your jewelry by hand, find a small bowl and fill it with warm water. You can use a mild washing liquid or a special jewelry cleaner. However, don’t use harsh chemicals that can damage the metal. Check the following instructions:

  1. Put your chain in the bowl and wait for it to soak for 5-10 minutes. This step is to get rid of dirt or debris. 
  2. To remove any left tarnish, begin gently scrubbing the chain using dish soap and a lint-free cloth or a soft-bristle toothbrush. 
  3. Focus on crevices and in-between links to ensure all the chain areas are cleaned. You can also use a cotton swab for very small areas. 
  4. If your silver chain has a soapy residue, rinse it in warm water to remove it.

Polishing men’s silver chains

To restore the shine of your chains, use a silver polishing or microfiber cloth or a special silver polishing solution. If you use a polishing cloth, you must gently rub the chain with back-and-forth motions. Doing so can remove the tarnish and make the chain shiny. 

Correspondingly, if you use a silver polishing solution, spray a small amount on a soft cloth and rub it gently on your chain. 

Make sure to follow the product instructions to avoid any damage. After doing so, you can then rinse the chain or wipe it with a silver polishing cloth. 

Drying men’s silver chains

Once you finish cleaning the chain, you must ensure it is entirely dry before you store it. You can either let it air dry or use a lint-free or soft cloth and pat it to dry. It’s not advised to use paper towels or tissues as they often leave fibers behind. 

Storing silver jewelry

Aside from properly cleaning them, you need to store them the right way to keep men’s silver chains looking pristine. Hence, storing them in a cool, clean, and dry place is necessary. Doing so is essential to avoid dust and oxidation. 

This can be a drawer, a jewelry box, or a soft pouch. Consider storing the chains separately from other jewelry to prevent scratching. 

Professional jewelry cleaning

Above are provided cleaning tips for men’s silver chains intended for cleaning by hand. Yet, if your chain is severely tarnished and soiled, you may need to take it to a professional jeweler for cleaning.

Professional jewelers have specialized equipment to clean jewelry thoroughly. They use specific techniques to restore the shine of silver jewelry, such as men’s silver chains. 

Sterling Silver Chains cleaning

Source: jewelrylab.co

Cleaning Sterling Silver Chains

Sterling silver chains feature a combination of pure silver and copper. Such chains are very durable but can tarnish if they are not properly cared for. While dishwashing soap and warm water can work for sterling silver chains, other methods also exist.

Use baking soda

One way of cleaning sterling silver chains is by using baking soda. Mix it with warm water of a 2:1 ratio and create a paste. Rub the paste onto the chain and then rinse the residue. Use a silver cloth to dry the piece of jewelry.

Another method is combining vinegar with baking soda. Blend two tablespoons of baking soda with half a cup of white vinegar. Let the chain soak into the solution for two hours and then rinse and polish it with a microfiber towel.

Olive oil and lemon

For this method, you will need to mix one teaspoon of olive oil together with half a cup of lemon juice. Next, dip a clean cloth into the prepared solution and rub it onto the sterling silver chain. After you are done, proceed to rinse and dry the jewelry. 


You can also clean a sterling silver chain using diluted toothpaste. Apply the toothpaste onto a soft-bristle brush and start rubbing the chain using gentle motions. 

However, don’t use whitening toothpaste as it can damage the necklace. You can also dub the toothpaste directly onto the chain, scrub the silver, and rinse it under water. 

Aluminum foil method

If your chain has been tarnished due to a chemical reaction, you can clean it by using aluminum foil and baking soda. To do so, follow the instructions:

  1. Get a large bowl and cover it inside with aluminum foil.
  2. Add a tablespoon of baking soda and salt to the bowl. 
  3. Pour boiling water gently into the bowl until it forms bubbles.
  4. Stir the water until the ingredients are dissolved.
  5. Let the chain soak for a couple of minutes. 
  6. Remove the necklace and rinse it in cool water or polish it using microfiber. 

Maintenance Techniques for Men’s Silver Chains 

High-quality men’s silver chains are known to be durable. Yet, certain things can harm these popular jewelry pieces. Here are some tips to follow regarding caring for men’s silver necklaces:

  • Avoid wearing your silver chain while showering and swimming. The same applies to activities that may expose it to chemicals and abrasive materials.
  • Remove your chain while doing physical activities, as sweat can cause the necklace to tarnish. 
  • Remove your chain before applying any products that contain chemicals, such as colognes or lotions. Also, don’t apply perfumes directly on the chain. 
  • Avoid exposing your silver chain to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures to prevent discoloration and damage.
  • Clean the chain with gentle motions and avoid stretching it while polishing. 
  • Consider getting anti-tarnish strips or silica gel packets in your jewelry storage to absorb moisture. 


Men’s silver chains are staple pieces for many stylish men worldwide. They work for every occasion and are effortless to wear. However, to preserve their radiance, you must take proper care of them. 

By following the cleaning tips for men’s silver chains, you can preserve their appearance and ensure they are shiny for a long time. Yet, you must do regular maintenance and proper care to extend the chain’s lifespan.

Jesús  is the founder and designer of JewelryLab. He is the Head of Design and also oversees production, quality control, and precious metal sourcing.